Posts tagged ocean

Things I’ll Miss, Part I

SDC12340 There’s no denying that one of the things I’ll miss most about Southern California is the ocean.  Bonfires on the beach, fishing off the pier.  Some of my best memories involve walking the beaches at night, or wandering around the harbor with a few good friends.  There’s something about the sound and the breeze and the salt in the air.  In college (UCSB) I lived a stone’s throw from the beach, and slept with my windows open as often as possible, just to get a whiff of that air.

This past weekend, I’ve been to the ocean twice, both as failed attempts at Grunion running.  Alas, we saw no grunions either time, but it was very nice getting out there and walking the various beaches near Oceanside.  Without grunions, we spent most of our time digging up sand crabs (of some truly impressive sizes), and SDC12441walking the pier.  I’m sorry we didn’t get to see any fish, since it had been my first ever grunion run, but we had a pretty good time anyhow, trying, and ultimately failing, to avoid the sweep of the high tides.

Tonight or tomorrow I’m off for a roadtrip to Salt Lake.  Not the road trip, bound to leave me there, but just a week trip, so I can scope out the area and my brother can look at the colleges.  Internet access on this trip is highly doubtful, just to let you know.  But I’ll be thinking about you.  And I’ll come back with pictures.

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